As we work together to provide the most opportunities to as many children as we can in a healthy and appropriate manner, recommendations on how to safely resume play must be followed; as Louisiana moves through the three phases of the White House Guidelines for Opening Up America. All protocols and restrictions included in any current or future executive order from the governor must be strictly adhered to. Louisiana Little League® will conform to the guidelines of physical distancing, cleaning/disinfecting, and PPE that is recommended by the CDC; established through the governor’s executive order and the Louisiana Office of the State Fire Marshal.
Little League® youth sports should be allowed to resume play as soon as Louisiana moves into Phase One on May 15, 2020.
COVID-19 Event Procedures – Phase 1
A team and event e-mail must be sent to all teams, team managers, coaches, players/parents, and officials/referees in the week leading up to an event of play.
1. The email should include the following:
A. Encourage all event attendees to practice physical distancing. Limit parents/attendees 2 per player at complex, with appropriate mask and PPE.
B. Any person who is experiencing symptoms of sickness will be prohibited from attending the event/venue of play. Coaches/League Officials should monitor player’s temperatures.
C. All posted and published local and state regulated guidelines shall be followed.
D. Use of “shared” equipment (helmets, bats, masks, catcher gear, water coolers, etc.) will be strongly discouraged to the greatest extent possible.
2. Take proactive steps in creating physical distancing environments:
A. Inspect designated seating and viewing areas for fans, mark 6’ distances in area.
B. When using personal chairs practice safe distancing, if using a tent restrict it to family members only.
C. Minimize the use of field’s facilities to remain within the current mass-gathering limitations of the local jurisdiction, if necessary. Phase 1 – 25% occupancy, LAOSFM.
D. Create one-way entry and exit gates where possible, to direct foot traffic.
E. All coaches, umpires, and league officials must wear a face covering at all times while at the facility and/or event.
3. Parents, coaches, players, and umpires should wait in their vehicles until 15 minutes prior to game time, ONLY on-field warm-up will be permitted. All parents, coaches, players and umpires should exit facility immediately at the conclusion of play. When there is more than one game on a field please wait in your vehicle until facility is cleared of prior teams.
4. All Team and Gate Fees must be paid online or by another method prior to arriving at the facility. There will be no gate attendants and no cash exchanged.
5. Minimize player and coach contact by eliminating team/player handshakes and team/player high fives. No group huddle/prayers between teams will be permitted on the field. Encourage physical distancing between teams in effect beyond the field of play. Other means of game celebrations and team sportsmanship at the end of games include ask players to tip their caps/visors and/or have teams bow to each other from the across the field.
6. Only nine members of a team will be permitted in the dugout at a given time. Others will wait just outside of the fenced area, while maintaining physical distancing. All team shall clean their dugout of all trash and other items after each game, and to wipe down with disinfectant, (clean) hard surfaces such as benches, bat racks, etc. upon exiting. Upon arriving at a dugout for the first time, teams are to disinfect hard surface areas (benches, bat racks, etc.). This will comply with CDC recommendations of a two-step process for cleaning and disinfecting.
7. No Concessions will be allowed during Phase 1.
8. All restroom facilities must be cleaned and sanitized every two hours while in use. Must ensure hand washing anti-bacterial soap and hand sanitizer is available.